Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Im Back! It has been 2 years!

Hi Guys,

Im really sorry that I havent been updating for the last 2 years...this is what happens when you find a cure for sweaty hands or hyperhidrosis lol you forget about the problem and live your life.

Its funny how I stumbled on my old blog, I wasn't even looking for it. I even remembered my gmail password to access this place.

Many of you are probably wondering if I ever got botox again? Although I really liked that it made my hands dry - the muscle weakness and cost both put me off. I am also too scared to get the surgery for excessive sweating in my hands and feet so for now I will just manage the sweat myself.

I met someone that has accepted my sweaty hands and finds it cute. There are people out there that don't care! Just keep your eye out for them. I haven't been able to find anyone else that I know who has hyperhidrosis other then my dad but he is retired and his hands are always dry now.

This gives us all some hope that when we reach 65 years old we will no longer have sweaty hands YAYYY lol (can you read the sarcasm?)

Anyway, I am back to having hyperhidrosis and I don't mind. It doesn't stop me from doing what I want anymore. Even during interviews I will just let them know that my hands are a bit sweaty and no one really cares.

I hope that gives others some hope that its not the end of the world to have sweaty hands and there are options for you to get rid of it if you want.

1 comment:

Tiara said...

Hi there, How is it going? Please update us on your adventures. I too am going the surgery-free, trying not to care about my sweat route.