The first thing they did was a starch-iodine test where they swab your skin with iodine then they put powder starch on your had. It turns dark blue where your sweat the most.
It was quick and simple.
Next, the doctor came in an injected something to numb my hand. He told me to wait 5-10 minutes for it to take effect. By the time he came back only my lower palm and thumb were numb and I was a little nervous about that.
He wanted to get started with the botox injections and said by the time he would get to my fingers I wouldn't feel anything.
Boy was he wrong! I still felt the sting. It felt like tiny ant bites but it wasn't too bad because he kept me distracted my asking me about my life :)
After the botox injections in my hands, I was told not to drive but instead to walk around and go to starbucks or tim hortons. I felt fine and could still feel my hands very well - yeah you guessed it, I went ahead and drove home.
As soon as I got home I started cooking. My hands felt completely normal, sweaty, but normal.
Total Cost: $900 for 200 units of Botox + $260 administration fee.
My insurance is going to cover the $900 but I still had to pay upfront and send them the bill so I can be reimbursed for the amount.
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