Saturday, August 23, 2008

Day 18 - Sweating more often!

Hi guys,

I am getting stressed out right now because I have been sweating more than usual since I got botox. It's very uneven sweat pattern and usually goes away on it's own.

Today was another hot and humid day, so maybe that was the cause? It usually starts sweating at the edges of my hands and my finger tips :(

If I ever decide to go back for more botox in 6 months, Ill ask him to inject MORE botox because I don't think 200 units was enough for my tiny hands lol No photos today cuz I still can't find my camera (pissed!)


Anonymous said...

I'm sorry :(..... more botox? mmm... it could be dangerous... what about ets or iontophoresis. regarding school, yeah it's free here but we have to pay a lot of taxes.....we pay a taxe for the ground where our house stands, for the stuff that parents let us. the fuel costs about 1.5 euros.....taxes taxes taxes!!!

Anonymous said...

Any chance you study at UTSC? I study there and I have hand and feet HH. It really sucks. Good luck with everything.