Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Day 8 - Wonderful Results So Far

Hi guys,

I am still sweat-free and rarely think about my hands anymore. My notebook keyboard has been clean and dry too :) I damaged my last notebook within a year because my sweat penetrated into the keyboard.

So I think this new notebook will last longer.

Doing my hair has been great. Feels great to be able to run my hands through my hair and it feeling soft rather than having hair get stuck to my hands.

Its the little things I notice that I have been missing out on.

I think Hyperhidrosis is genetic because I know that my dad had it when he was younger. I think my older brother also has it but it is not as bad as mine.

Let me know if anyone in your family suffers from Hyperhidrosis.


Anonymous said...

noone of my relatives is an hh sufferer.....i'm the only one in my family. I's strange.So nobody can understand what i feel :(

Anonymous said...

I hope your weakness goes away...:(

My uncle had it and had the of my aunties had it too and she had the surgery aswell so yeah it's genetic!