Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Day 1 - Botox Appointment

Hello everyone,

Today is the day of my botox appointment and I am really nervous but also excited. I am sweating more than usual right now but I am glad because then my doctor can see how bad it is.

I had a consultation (which was free) and his office was so air conditioned that my hands felt like I was hold ice. They were moist and cold but weren't dripping. When I am out in public my hands would drip and when I wipe them on my pants or sleeves they would leave a dark stain hand mark!

I have lived with hyperhidrosis since I was 12 years old and it has caused me so much emotional pain all through highschool and now in college.

I am a 21 year old woman and cannot hold my boyfriends hand, I hate getting intimate with him because of this condition. I also feel helpless at school because I don`t feel like I am doing my best. I don`t join any clubs or athletic sports because of my sweaty hands and feet.

I has totally ruined my life this far, and I have taken the first step to improving my emotional health.

Hopefully the botox will be my life saver.


Anonymous said...

Hi Mira! I'm new on here and your journal is the only thing I've been able to read and stuff so I'm like all over it. lol
but im 20 years old soon to be 21 and it feels so good to know that someone put there is JUST like me even tho i would much rather have us have something else in common. So I might comment alot but thats only cause I'm super excited and really hope things go well for you cuz then they might go well for me.

Mira said...

Hi Zuri! Thanks for reading my blog :) im really glad you can relate to my issues. Im sure we have alot more in common than just HH. I wish i had a friend with HH growing up, I wouldnt have felt so alone!