Friday, August 22, 2008

Day 17 - Finally Reimbursed For The Cost Of Botox

Hi guys,

I know it is late and I should have reported sooner lol My finger tips sweat more now and I am not sure why! Maybe it is the heat? Not sure but I have been a little stressed that it is wearing off already.

I also got reimbursed for the cost of botox :) I just checked my online bank account.

My palms are always dry but at the edges of my hands they seem to sweat. Also sometimes the creases in my fingers...seems odd.

I was doing so well too, but it might just be the heat cuz it has been super hot lately. I paid my tuition this semester, $1438.98 yeah I know it just sucks that school costs so much!


Anonymous said...

this post make me feeling proud of being italian :) we pay a lot of taxes but we have to pay almoust nothing for healthcare and school :)

Mira said...

Free post secondary education??? i think i might move to italy :) We have free healthcare in canada too. Our government gives us student loans that we pay back after we finish. I decided not to get the loan this year since I saved up a ton of money :) lucky italians!

ingky said...

Reimbursed by insurance? Are there any insurance companies in Malaysia that covers hyperhidrosis?

botox injections cost said...

nice post
thank you so much .