Sunday, August 10, 2008

Day 5 - Still Dry and Warm!

Morning everyone,

I woke up very late today :) but it's Sunday so it's okay. My hands are still dry and they still have a yellow stain from the starch-iodine test.

The muscle weakness is gone and I can do just about anything with them. I think that there is a correlation between my hands sweating and my feet sweating.

I am not a doctor (but then again they don't know anything about HH) but I swear since my hands have been dry so have my feet. The cosmetic docotor I went to wanted to inject botox in my feet too but I told him I just needed it for my hands, and I could live with sweaty feet.

By the way, I still get that sensation of sweating and sometimes i get a few shinny patches but it drys up withing seconds, weird!

This is a great side effect though. Maybe I will wear sandals today :) I haven't seen sandals in a few years. My feet for slip and slide right out of them onto the pavement (OUCH).

Another thing that just got easier - blow drying my hair! Who would have guessed it? Before I use to blow dry my hair and it would take forever because my hands would be dripping and my hair would get wet again lol


Anonymous said...

Thats great news! i am happy for you. now you can do whatever you want with your boyfriend...haha! im going for an appointment with a thoracic surgeon on tuesday so wish me luck :)

i cant wait until my hands are dry all the time, lol...then going out with girls will be no problem at all.

Anonymous said...

hi! jason is a friend of mine :).... I'll probably have botox injections in both hands and feet because here in italy it is free, so i think it will work really good.I'd really like to wear sandals, play twist and so on...... I'm really happy for you and i definitely wanna follow your example :) see you tomorrow!

Mira said...

Thanks again for the comments guys! I hope your botox treatments works as well as mine did! You will definitely love your dry hands and I am sure you will be more forward with women! Good luck Vincenzoso, I think it will work really well for your hands a feet, start a journal when you get your treatment :)

Anonymous said...

O cool, Jason. Thats wassup, good luck with the doc. I saw a thoracic surgeon and Im still pondering whether Im going to go thru with it. Yes, my situation is severe..(I wanna be cured, man!) But the side effects like the droopy eye if Dr. Burrows fucks up is like not what i need. but i tried Drysol and it burned my hands and isnt even a semi-permenent alternative and I'm taking glycopyrolate which has given me some results during this summer months. Ive definitely noticed a difference but i want to increase the dosage to see how that works but i don't know if itll fix the HH completely like the surgery or botox. Botulism may be the last resort before surgery.