Thursday, August 14, 2008

Day 9 - Hands Are Starting To Peel

Hi everyone,

Not much to say today, my hands have been dry for the most part. But I did notice when I applied moisturizer my hands began to sweat a little. Within 5 minutes they were dry again. My feet started to sweat exactly the same time as my hands too.

Muscle weakness is still there, and just as bad as the other day. My doctor's office called me and asked how my progress has been going. I told them it was going really well. It's only been 9 days so I am surprised at how well I am doing.

They told me to wait 2 weeks (14 days) for full results.

The skin around my nails are getting super dry and start to peel :O I am just not use to moisturizing my hands. They look bad when they are dry like this!


Anonymous said...

i'm pretty scared of the weakness...i hope it won't last much.ok tomorrow i'm going to the seaside so i won't be able to comment your posts for a while.don't worry and keep writing!when i'm back i'll read and comment all of your posts!goodbye and good luck :)

Anonymous said...

I'm sure it being dry is much better than it being sweaty all the time! haha but i understand...good luck with your progress and happy to see its working for you

Mira said...

Hi, Vincenzoso Enjoy your trip! Tell me how it goes and dont let HH get in the way of having fun ok?

Mira said...

Thanks Jason, it is definitely better than having sweaty hands all the time. I am really happy i went through with it! I hope your ETS goes smoothly and you can also get some relief :)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the support! i really hope so too it will change my life